Garden: growing SWIMMINGLY.
As in you could swim in it.
It's a water garden... or a "pool" to some of you common mouth breathers.
Cockroach problems at home are through the roof. Like... literally... they're breeding in the space where we'd have an attic... but we don't really have an attic so it's like a space where boards, foam, and sealant are mashed together to keep the roof tiles up. And these aren't german cockroaches either, these are the evil flying wood roaches.
Two comic jobs! :D
My buddy Real Faction whom I've been doing art for offered me a position as a comic artist!
The other job is one with my friend Kellan Marshall, old Gaian buddy of mine... we don't know each-other too well to be honest, but we've had brief social interaction combined with helpful gestures towards one another so... I consider that an acquaintance at least! He's gone on to make HIS comic, Ballbots which I believe to be amazing. I applied for an artist position he opened for a different series, and was accepted.
Granted I don't expect much in payment from either position, but I'm doing something! It beats sitting around all day doing nothing.
Game idea is a bust, coder got sick of waiting for me to finish art for things, and I kind of don't blame him. I'm keeping the assets for it though, just in case I find a future person to help work with me.
I also just slept for 24 hours! That's unhealthy!
I hope I'm not sick with death! :D