Setting up college classes at the local community college.
Need to pass two of three classes (with flying colors) to be able to grovel to financial aid and hope they keep me on my Pell-grant for spring, since I'm suppose to be on Financial Aid probation for failing 3 of 4 classes. :/
Math (not REAL math, the math you take for flunking math on the ACT), English, and Graphic Design. It won't matter if I pass math since that won't raise my GPA (since district doesn't recognize fake-math as an official class) so that leaves English and Graphic Design.
I've got English set up perfectly for the fall term, but for the fucking life of me, the only Graphic design class they have is FULL.
I'm keeping my eye on that.
The moment someone drops the class, I'm sniping it.
Also making more pictures.
Oh, no worries, i'm sure things will sort out eventually and everything will be heavens. 'u'